Moral Relativism
Moral Relativism
In this discussion, you will converse about individual and cultural moral relativism, along with the objections to each. The purpose of this discussion is to practice thinking about ethics and philosophy.
Use information from assigned texts from this Module to answer these discussion questions.
Why do many ethicists and philosophers reject both individual moral relativism and cultural moral relativism?
What are the strongest objections to both of these theories?
Are these objections decisive?
Please use spell-check and write in complete sentences. Post your initial post (no less than one full paragraph) by the third day that the discussion is open. For an A, three replies to your peers (3–5 full sentences) on three different days of the week are needed. Please also see the discussion rubric.
See the Schedule and Course Rubrics pages in the Syllabus Module for due dates and grading information.