Mental Health Issues
Mental Health Issues
According to Townsend and Morgan 2020, a loss is the experience of separation from something of personal importance.
Specifically, a loss is anything that is perceived as such by the individual. The separation from loved ones or the giving up of treasured possessions, for whatever reason; the experience of failure, either real or perceived; or life events that create change in a familiar pattern of existence—all can be experienced as loss, and all can trigger behaviors associated with the grieving process. Loss and bereavement are universal events encountered by all beings that experience emotions.
Furthermore, grief is defined by Townsend and Morgan 2020 as deep mental and emotional anguish that is a response to the subjective experience of loss of something significant.
Consider both concepts of loss and grief. Then reflect on a clinical experience in which your patient was identified as grieving. Select one of the four grief theories identified in Townsend and Morgan 2020 by (Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, John Bowlby, George Engel, or William Worden) and discuss the stages as they relate to your patient. Provide a scholarly article (Not older than 5 years) to support your theory.
Include a nursing careplan specific to your patient.