Capstone Paper on becoming a “Nutritional Psychologist” and the emerging field of nutritional psychology.

Incorporate weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4 objectives into the 6 to 10pg. Capstone Paper on becoming a
“Nutritional Psychologist” and the emerging field of nutritional psychology.
Week 1:
This week you analyzed the role of psychological research in society and identified a role of
interest and professional roles within the field of psychology. In addition, you integrated
psychological theories and concepts in your Capstone Paper.
Assignment: Capstone Paper Section 1: Choosing a Professional Role
The field of psychology is vast. With an advanced psychology degree, you can work in a variety
of settings, including a university, a veterans’ hospital, a prison, a school, or a private practice.

Knowing what you would not like to do is just as important as knowing what you would like to do.
To prepare:
For this Assignment, think about the various occupations within the field of psychology, and
choose one that most interests you. Refer to Appleby, Millspaugh, and Hammersley (2011) and
Appleby (2015), as well as your own research. If you are interested in an area not mentioned in
the referenced articles, please discuss this with your Instructor before moving forward.
To Complete this Assignment:
Submit a 1- to 2-page paper that introduces your chosen professional occupation of becoming a
nutritional psychologist, explaining what it is and why it interests you. Using information gathered
from your research, provide a description of the knowledge, skills, and characteristics one would
need to be successful in this position. Summarize some of the tasks you might be expected to
perform. Discuss what additional schooling, if any, is needed for this occupation.
I chose becoming a Nutritional Psychologist: Nutrition psychology (NP) is the psychological study
of how cognitive choices, such as meal decisions, influence nutrition, psychological health, and
overall health. Nutrition psychology seeks to understand the relationship between nutritional
behavior and mental health/well-being.
Next week (week 2) you will review ethics in Psychology by reviewing APA’s Ethical Principles of
Psychologists and Code of Conduct. You will also complete the second section of your Capstone
Paper highlighting theories and research used in your chosen professional role.
Week 2:

Ethics in Psychology
Psychologists may work in a number of capacities, such as therapist, teacher, researcher,
supervisor, and/or trainer. In every position, there will be occasions when ethics come into play.
The American Psychological Association developed ethical standards for its members to follow:
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, commonly referred to as the “Ethics
Code.” A member who violates the code faces a range of potential consequences, including
expulsion from the organization. Most of the ethical standards are written broadly in order to
apply to psychologists in various roles. The principles and code were originally based on survey
answers provided by APA members in 1951. The unique nature of the code is that it was “based
upon the day-to-day decisions made by psychologists in the practice of their profession, rather
than prescribed by a committee” (Golann, as cited in Pope & Vetter, 1992, p. 398).
This week, you review the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct and
apply it to the behaviors of different psychologists who may have acted in violation of the code.
You also complete the second section of your Capstone Paper, which highlights theories and
research used in your chosen professional role.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Evaluate psychologists’ responses to ethical dilemmas
• Analyze theories applicable to chosen professional role
• Analyze research areas and methods applicable to chosen professional role
• Integrate psychological theories and concepts in Capstone Paper
Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that discusses research questions in your chosen field and what research methods have been used to answer these questions. First, find three journal articles
that are actual studies (not review articles, background information, etc.) that are from your field
of interest. Discuss what research questions have been asked in your field. How were the
studies were carried out (methods)? What have the findings been? What questions still remain?
NOTE: For the articles that you find for this section, don’t write about each one separately.
Rather, synthesize the information.
Next, propose your own study to answer a specific research question from your chosen field.
What is your research question? Be as specific as possible. Why is this an important question or
area to study? What are two specific hypotheses stemming from your research question? Finally,
discuss the specific research methods needed to answer your research question. Give some
detail. Why is this the best method to use? What kind data will you collect? What is / are your
IV(s) and DV (if applicable)? Conclude by discussing how your proposed study will contribute to
your chosen field.
Week 3:
Psychological Perspectives on Real-World Issues
Why does someone enter a movie theater and begin shooting a gun? Why are there such
differences of opinion over health care issues? Why is there such hostility about immigration
procedures? Why is the topic of environmental stewardship such a source of controversy?
Although these questions are not easily answered, we can look to the field of psychology to
provide a framework for investigating the wide range of topics on which people have a variety of
beliefs and attitudes. Using a psychological framework to investigate these topics allows people to draw conclusions based on data from sound scientific practices.
This week, you make connections between current issues and psychological principles in hope
of shedding light on complex societal challenges. You also complete the third section of your
Capstone Paper, in which you evaluate research articles pertinent to your chosen professional
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Evaluate appropriate psychological theories applicable to understanding current issues
• Analyze research articles for purpose, methodology, and findings
• Integrate psychological theories and concepts in Capstone Paper
Capstone Paper Section 3: Critiquing Research Articles
Consider the following scenarios: You are interested in buying a new car, but you cannot decide
between two models. It is time to vote, and you must decide which candidate you will support.
You are reading a research article, but you question the validity of the study. In each of these
situations, you must rely on your ability to think critically.
Critical thinking skills are essential in both everyday life and academia. Your ability to
comprehend, refine, and accept or reject the work and ideas of others will allow you to expand
your own ways of learning. Understanding what to critique, and how to do it, is an important skill
as it allows for informed debate.
To prepare:
Identify two research articles related to your chosen profession. For example, if you identified the role of a developmental psychologist, one of your articles might be a study that researched how
babies respond to novelty in their environment. Note: Research articles should be no older than
2010. Download the Week 3 Assignment Template provided in the Week 3 Resources area.
ubmit a 3- to 4-page paper that analyzes two research articles of your choosing from 2010 or
newer. Your analysis should include a description of the purpose and methodology of each study
and the authors’ interpretation of the findings. Be sure to address the following issues as they
apply to your particular chosen studies:
Explain the purpose of the study, including the theoretical frame of reference (if any).
Identify variables and hypotheses.
Explain the method of the study.
Describe the research design used.
Describe the sample that was studied.
Explain which type of sampling was used. Note the sample size.
Provide information on the data collection procedure(s) and operationalization of variables. Note
the type of data-gathering instrument.
Describe the techniques used for analysis and interpretation of data.
Provide a brief summary of the findings of the study and the authors’ interpretation of the
For the critical analysis portion of this paper, do the following:
Identify and explain the strengths and limitations of the research design, data analysis used, and
the author or authors’ conclusions.
Describe any variables that were not included in the study that you think could have been included.
Offer any alternative or additional explanations of the findings that the researchers did not
A Word document in the Week 3 Learning Resources area is provided to help organize the
information for each article so that all areas of the assignment are addressed. Be sure to
download the document and use that as your template. Also note that the font should be Times
New Roman 12 point; direct quotes cannot be used; articles must be from 2010 or newer; and all
knowledge from the articles must be cited throughout each paragraph.
Week 4:
Nature and Nurture Revisited: Epigenetics and the Microbiome
Think back to when you first learned about the “nature versus nurture” debate. The historical
nature versus nurture debate was concerned with the relative importance of an individual’s
innate qualities (nature) versus his or her personal experiences (nurture) in determining or
causing differences in physical appearance, behavior, cognition, and emotion.
It has become increasingly clear that these qualities are not solely attributable to nature or
nurture; rather, it is now recognized that nature and nurture interact to influence outcomes. The
relatively new science that studies this phenomenon is called epigenetics. There is also
increasing evidence that the “brain” in our gut, called the microbiome, also influences mental
health, behavior, and health outcomes; this starts before we are born and is also influenced by
how we are born.
This week, you examine the connection of nature versus nurture to epigenetics and the microbiome, while also considering the personal and social implications of these fields of study.
You also examine the idea of contributing to positive social change from a professional
perspective in the fourth section of your Capstone Paper.
Learning Objectives
Students will:
• Evaluate the influence of epigenetics and the microbiome on the nature versus nurture debate
• Evaluate the social implications of epigenetic and microbiome research
• Analyze relationship of positive social change to a professional context
• Integrate psychological theories and concepts in Capstone Paper
Capstone Paper Section 4: Contributions to Positive Social Change
How will you use your education to contribute to social change and the greater global good? How
might you, even in some small way, change the world? For this week’s Assignment, consider
how your chosen role within the field of psychology can contribute to social change.
To prepare:
Read Walden University’s definition of positive social change:
“Walden University defines positive social change as a deliberate process of creating and
applying ideas, strategies, and actions to promote the worth, dignity, and development of
individuals, communities, organizations, institutions, cultures, and societies. Positive social
change results in the improvement of human and social conditions.
This definition of positive social change provides an intellectually comprehensive and socially
constructive foundation for the programs, research, professional activities, and products created by the Walden academic community. In addition, Walden University supports positive social
change through the development of principled, knowledgeable, and ethical scholar-practitioners,
who are and will become civic and professional role models by advancing the betterment of
Next, read the article “Expanding Our Understanding of Positive Social Change” by Callahan et
al. (2012). Think about a specific scenario within your chosen professional role and how it may fit
within Walden’s definition of social change.
Submit a 1- to 2-page paper that discusses a particular aspect of your chosen professional role
within the context of social change. For example, you might discuss being a counselor who
provides pro-bono counseling to abused women or being a sports psychologist who offers
visualization training for at-risk youth involved in school sports.
Explain why you chose your particular example and why it is important to include an aspect of
social change in both career and personal endeavors. Next, explain the particular web map of
social activity that would result from your chosen example. For example, if you choose to provide
pro-bono services, will this fall high on humane ethics? Scholarship? Explain why you chose
those area(s). There is no need to create the actual web map diagram.
Directions: for building a Capstone Paper on becoming and working as a “Nutritional
Capstone Paper Requirements:

By Day 3 of Week 4 (April 15 2019), you will submit your final 15- to 20-page Capstone Paper,
for which you will assemble the Week 1, 2, 3, and 4 papers into one document incorporating
previous feedback. You will be adding a title page, an abstract, and a reference section. Be sure
to double check the submission for proper APA formatting.
Note: The final paper is not a new paper; rather, it is a culmination of the individual papers from
Weeks 1–4. The final paper will include the following sections:
• Title Page (1st page)
This indicates what the research was about. The title should be informative but brief, and it
should be centered in the middle of the first page, with the first letter of each major word
capitalized. The title should be in bold font. Four single spaces below the title should be your
name, under this should be Department of Psychology,  University, then course number
and title of course separated by a colon (ie. Department of Psychology,  University).
Following this should be Instructor name and date of submission written out with no slashes (ie.
March 3, 2020).
• Abstract (2nd page)
This may be the first abstract you have ever written, so do your best. The abstract should be a
short, clear summary of the whole paper. It should be about 150 words and must summarize the
sections of the paper The heading for the Abstract should be centered and in bold font. The body
of the Abstract should be one paragraph, justified to the left margin. The easiest way to write an
abstract is to write it last. For more tips on abstracts, review the Writing Center’s webpage guide
to abstract-writing.
• Body of Paper

Label each section, providing headings with the titles from each week’s Assignment. Do not put a
page break in between each section.
• References
At the end of your paper, you must write a complete References section, in APA style, that gives
the full reference for each of the resources cited in the main text of your work. Always begin the
References section on a new page. The general formatting guidelines for the reference list are
as follows:
– The heading for the References page should be centered and in bold font
– Alphabetical order (by author surname)
– No bullet points and no numbers
– Double spacing
– Each reference aligned with left margin, the first line typed flush with the left margin, and any
additional lines indented as a group a few spaces to the right of the left margin (i.e., a hanging
Format of the Paper
Writing Style
• The final paper should meet the following requirements:
o Times New Roman, font size 12, with double line spacing
o 1” margins on each side and top/bottom
o Pages numbered in APA style
o Total 15–20 pages

• The paper should be written in active voice such as “I/We found.”
• All factual assertions should be substantiated. Statements about any aspect of psychology
should be supported, preferably with references that tell the reader who found, argued, or
defined something and when. Otherwise, support factual assertions with examples.
• Arguments and text should be developed logically and articulated clearly. In other words, make
your points explicitly. Do not leave it to the reader to work out what you mean.
• Be specific and concise. Avoid mentioning things in passing. If they are worth mentioning at all,
give them the amount of space they deserve. Omit extraneous details and unnecessary
• Do not use note-form or lists—always use prose.
• Do not quote any text directly. Always paraphrase.
• Define any abbreviations when they first appear, and clearly define any important/critical terms
you are employing in your report. Avoid the use of first and second person.
Section 1: Choosing a Professional Role of Nutritional Psychology
By Day 7 of Week 1, submit a 1- to 2-page paper that introduces your chosen professional
occupation, explaining what it is and why it interests you. Using information gathered from your
research, provide a description of the knowledge, skills, schooling, and characteristics one would
need to be successful in this position. Summarize some of the tasks you might be expected to
perform. Discuss what additional schooling, if any, is needed for this occupation.
Section 2: Research Questions and Methods in your Chosen Professional Role
By Day 7 of Week 2, submit a 2- to 3-page paper that discusses research questions in your chosen field and what research methods have been used to answer these questions. First, find
three journal articles that are actual studies (not review articles, background information, etc.)
that are from your field of interest. Discuss what research questions have been asked in your
field. How were the studies were carried out (methods)? What have the findings been? What
questions still remain? NOTE: For the articles that you find for this section, don’t write about each
one separately. Rather, synthesize the information.
Next, propose your own study to answer a specific research question from your chosen field.
What is your research question? Be as specific as possible. Why is this an important question or
area to study? What are two specific hypotheses stemming from your research question? Finally,
discuss the specific research methods needed to answer your research question. Give some
detail. Why is this the best method to use? What kind data will you collect? What is / are your
IV(s) and DV (if applicable)? Conclude by discussing how your proposed study will contribute to
your chosen field.
Section 3: Critiquing Research Articles
By Day 7 of Week 3, submit a 3- to 4-page paper that analyzes two research articles of your
choosing that are related to your chosen field. Your analysis should include a description of the
purpose and methodology of each study and the authors’ interpretation of the findings. Be sure
to address the following issues as they apply to your particular chosen studies:
• Explain the purpose of the study, including the theoretical frame of reference (if any).
• Identify variables and hypotheses.
• Explain the method of the study.
• Describe the research design used.

• Describe the sample that was studied.
• Explain which type of sampling was used. Note the sample size.
• Provide information on the data collection procedure(s) and operationalization of variables.
Note the type of data-gathering instrument.
• Describe the techniques used for analysis and interpretation of data.
• Provide a brief summary of the findings of the study and the authors’ interpretation of the
For the critical analysis portion of this paper, do the following:
• Identify and explain the strengths and limitations of the research design, data analysis used,
and the author or authors’ conclusions.
• Describe any variables that were not included in the study that you think could have been
• Offer any alternative or additional explanations of the findings that the researchers did not
Section 4: Contributions to Positive Social Change
By Day 7 of Week 4, submit a 1- to 2-page paper that discusses a particular aspect of your
chosen professional role within the context of social change. For example, you might discuss
being a counselor who provides pro-bono counseling to abused women or being a sports
psychologist who offers visualization training for at-risk youth involved in school sports.
Explain why you chose your particular example and why it is important to include an aspect of
social change in both career and personal endeavors. Next, explain the particular web map of social activity that would result from your chosen example. Follow the examples given in the
article, with your actual text being at least three paragraphs long. There is no need to create the
actual web map diagram.
Final Capstone Paper
By Day 7 of Week 6, submit your 6-10page Capstone Paper, including title page, abstract, and
reference page. Be sure to incorporate feedback and suggestions from your earlier drafts into
this final draft.