Counselling Psychology Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT Person-centred
Counselling Psychology Cognitive Behavioural Therapy CBT Person-centred
This should contain 3 sections
1- What is counselling psychology (approx. 500 to 700 words)
Based on lecture 1.
*Expecting a clear definition and consideration of values
2 -Compare and contrast two of these approaches (900 to 1,300 words)
*Cognitive behavioural therapy
*Person-centred (pick two from this listed 3)
Your answer should summarise each approach then compare and contrast as applied in counselling Psychology.
3 -counselling Psychology embraces diversity. Discuss with reference to issues raised by different client groups. (1500 to 1800 words)
*In your answer define diversity and why it is important for practitioners to be aware of it
*Identify one or two client groups and consider what type of issues a counselling Psychologist might face with a group, and what a counselling psychologist
needs to be aware of to ‘embrace diversity when meeting them.
*See lectures and additional reading for relevant references …you can also include your own references
Answer these questions based on your understanding of the lectures using the references provided in each lecture. Additional support is provided