Barriers to care for the LGBTQ community
Barriers to care for the LGBTQ community
Assignment Length: Write a 6-8 page literature review…remember, quality not quantity. Support all
your arguments with appropriate literature. All references should be in APA style. Total references
should include at least 8 total peer-reviewed books/articles.
Reference List. List all references according to American Psychological Association (APA) style. Papers that
include references and citations that do not conform to APA format will lose points. (Note—the reference list
should not be included in the page count).
A. Topic
a. Pick one of the following topics: Depression or another Mental Health Condition among
Minority/Minoritized Group
i. What are some current:
1. Barriers to Care?
2. Assessment Challenges? or
3. Treatment Challenges?
B. Approaches:
a. Broad: Discuss Multiple Challenges
b. Specific: Focus on ONE specific challenge and dig into it
C. Literature Review Methods
a. Search at least three (3) databases
b. Identify 6-8 original peer-reviewed articles on your topic of choice
D. Findings: Synthesize Literature
a. For example:
i. Broad: What are the barriers to receiving mental healthcare for Latinos with Depression?
1. Create categories of different challenges
2. Explain each challenge
a. For whom, how, where, and why is this a barrier to care?
ii. Specific: Poverty as a barrier to receiving mental healthcare for Latinos with Depression
1. How poverty prevents connection to mental health care
2. For whom, where, and why is this a barrier to care or assessment or treatment
E. Discussion
a. How do findings relate to the theory discussed in class?
b. What are the implications for your practice?
i. Focus practice implications on depression or mental health conditions in the minoritized
groups you discussed above.