Effects of Social Media on Children and Adolescents

Effects of Social Media on Children and Adolescents

-Introduction paragraph where you identify the scope of problem and the subject matter.

-Purpose Statement Paragraph (Use Script) :
“The purpose of this [type of study] study is to [describe/explore/understand) the [central concept] in/at/among [age group/population/organization/media frame].”
Types of qualitative studies (and logical purpose verb): narrative study (understand), content analysis study (explore), case study (describe); in case you wonder, the purpose of a literature review is to discover the scholarly knowledge-base of your central concept. You should have knowledge of the central concept based on your background from reviewing the literature so far, and this next step is about gathering “new knowledge” that assists your inquiry into your overarching research question.

-METHOD section, with at least some of the most common sub-sections; Participants, Materials, and Procedure. Don’t get too detailed.