Research Design Paper. Writing a Reserach Design.
Research Design Paper. Writing a Reserach Design.
Research methodology; participant/sample selection; research instrument and consent form;
data collection procedures). Write a two-page description of your research design.
1. State the purpose of your study and describe the type of study you plan to conduct
2. Describe the research participants (sample) and sampling method you will use to select
your participants. Explain why you selected your participants and your sampling method as
opposed to choosing other participants and sampling methods. Discuss the representativeness
of the sample.
3. Describe your research instrument (what you will use to collect data) and discuss its validity
and reliability.
4. Describe your data collection plans (when, where, who, how) and what you will do to protect
your participants.
5. Create a consent form for your research study.
6. Attach a copy of your research instrument with instructions and the consent form to your