Developing a REsearch Paper. Research Paper Design.
Each research paper should include the following:
- Research cover: title, student names, name of person submitting the research, year.
- Research summary
4- An introductory topic: The research plan includes a definition of the topic, its importance and the problematic issue in question
5- Two main topics:A. First topic: It deals with an introduction to the topic under discussion.B. The second topic: tackling the same subject (such as patenting in Qatar)6- Conclusion of the research: It includes the results and recommendations reached.7- References list: It includes research references that have been used from their traditional and electronic sources and their classification. 8- Scientific documentation: observance of the rules of scientific honesty and correct scientific documentation of sources and references. 9- The language of research: We must observe the correct grammar and proper legal writing of the research and the logical presentation of the arguments.