Is there anyone who can confidently and with highest prescisionanser a set of United nations social development network (UNSDN) based interview questions. you will have to study their operations on their website in conjuction with the Sustainable development goals (SDGs).

My CV, the job application roles and responsibility to enable me clintchthe job. lets talk please


Instructions? Fill in the appropriate answer giving only the most recent and correct details. 

Q1. Tell me about you?

Q2. Why do you want to leave your current job? 

Q3. Why do you want to leave your current position?











Q4. Why do you want to work for us?












Q5. Why should UNSDN hire you?











Q6. Where do you see yourself in the next ten years from now?











Q7. What makes you want to work hard?











Q8. What are your long term career goals?











Q9. How confident are you that you can successfully perform the duties of this position and why? 











Q10. Describe a situation that would exemplify your integrity?











Q11. How would you communicate the implementation of performance measurements so as not to panic a staff under your supervision? 











Q12. What means of communications may be used to effectively establish a new policy? 











Q13. What type of decisions do you make in your current job? 











Q14. What are the benefits you can receive as a superior when you delegate work to your subordinates? 











Q15. Describe a situation when your work was criticized and how you responded to the situation? 











Q16. What measures would you implement to encourage employee involvement in a quality improvement program?

Open innovation………………………………………………………………………………………………………










Q17. Describe a politically sensitive situation that you were in and how you handled the situation? 











Q18. Describe a situation when you are conducting a meeting and two participants are disrupting the meeting, what would you do? 











Q19. Describe the most significant responsibility you have had in your career and what it taught you? 











Q20. What experiences have you had in collecting data and writing reports based on the data?











Q21. If you where to start your own company, what would that company do?